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Hordes and Heroes: Smaller, faster games!

Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2023 10:29 am
by Sally
Over recent weeks we have been playing some rather intensive Roman v British campaign games, and, as a change I though it would be a good idea to do some smaller, faster games. A Hordes & Heroes version of ‘speed chess’ if you like! With 2 smaller Hexon layouts than usual, 4 armies each limited to 150 points, a limited play time of 1 hour per game, the aim was to complete up to 6 games in the evening. However, we had a couple of new members of the club and this set-up did provide an ideal opportunity to enable them to get to grips with the mechanics of the Hordes & Heroes game system without rushing to finish at a set time! So we managed to concluded 4 games leaving enough time far a good chat at the end and plan next weeks games.
The four 150 point armies were War of The Roses Yorkist v Tudor on one table and Early Chinese v Teutonic Order on the other. The number of units in each army varied between 10 and 14 according to the different troop types, class, and combat strength with each army limited to 2 generals using the standard 1 general to 5 units ratio.
Rather than give an account of all 4 games I think it would be suffice to say that the games were fast and fun and with only 2 generals in each army the games tended to conclude quickly as the generals were committed into hand-to-hand and subsequently lost. Then command and control or rather lack of it became the key issue. We must repeat this format on another club night in the not to distant future.